What activities are included in this event?
Similar to our summer event, our time will be filled with music, games, and a few holiday-themed crafts that kids will be able to take home with them.  Additionally, we invite parents, siblings and caregivers to join us for dinner beginning at 5:30pm and, if your child would like, a picture with Santa.  Kids are free to take breaks as needed and we will have a few quieter activities and rooms available if they would prefer to spend time there.

My child can only come for a few hours.  Is this okay?
Whether you have a scheduling conflict or are concerned about your child being able to participate in the full 4 hours, we would love to accommodate your needs.  Your child may come for just a portion of the event, and/or arrive late and see how they do as the evening progresses - we can make it work!

What is the volunteer:participant ratio?
We will have a 1:1 volunteer assigned to each participant with special needs.  Kids will be assigned to small groups of 8-10, with 2-3 additional volunteers depending on the age of the kids and the level of assistance needed in the entire group.

Can I stay with my child?
If your are unsure of how your child will adjust to new people or a new environment, we welcome you to stay and participate alongside him/her, or observe more "behind the scenes".  Feel free to stay as long or as little as you like!

Do I have to come to dinner?
After our craft and activity time, we invite you to come and enjoy a meal and time together with other families; however, if you find that you are enjoying your night out and need a few extra hours, please feel free to do so "guilt-free"!  Your child will stay with his/her volunteer and have plenty to do. :) 

What should my child bring?
Please send your child with any diapers/wipes or extra clothes he/she may need.  If they have a special toy or item, you can send that along too and our volunteers will make sure it leaves back home with them!

Any other questions?
You can contact us using this form or by emailing kathy.day@hotmail.com