Who are We?

We were thrilled to see many new faces at our "art camp" this summer, and hope to get to know many of you in the years to come.  In the meantime, you can find out more about us below:

Creating Friends was started in 2011 by Erik and Kathy Day, and in the summer is hosted at the property of Dave and Kim Hatcher in Snohomish, Washington. 

Dave (pastor of Trinity Church in Kirkland) and Kim (a retired physical therapist) have 6 children and 1 grandchild.  Their oldest son, Nathan, was born with a disability and continues to need assistance with the majority of his daily activities.  He serves as our official "camp greeter" and his younger siblings are among some of our participants' most favorite volunteers.  The Hatchers continually strive to help Nathan be an active part of his community, and have encouraged and inspired countless friends to embrace him and the joyous ways he expresses his love for Christ.

Kathy received her Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from the University of Washington in 2005.  These days, she enjoys keeping busy as a stay-at-home mom to her four children, though she treasures the time she had working as a PT in the Bellevue School District and at Seattle Children’s Hospital.  As a college student, Kathy worked as a caregiver for families of children with special needs (including Cerebral Palsy and Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy), and as a camp counselor for Seattle Parks and Recreation.

In 2006, Erik and Kathy (who now attend Emmanuel Church in Bothell) had the opportunity to volunteer together at Camp Barnabas in Purdy, Missouri.  Erik was especially blessed to be able to step away from his regular job as a software engineer and serve as a role model and friend to young kids and teenagers - all with varying disabilities. He realized how spending time with campers and participating in activities together was enough to overcome barriers despite their physical, mental, and/or social differences.

Creating Friends was started out of a desire to help connect kids with and without special needs. We wanted to provide an opportunity for everyone to interact and create alongside one another, and in the words of our daughter, "get used to being friends". We hope that our events will bless and serve whole families, both as a source of rest for parents who know their children are being cared for, and as a place of fun and fellowship for participants, no matter what their age or ability.